Acupuncture Medicine
Understanding Acupuncture Medicine
What is Acupuncture Medicine?
This holistic, integrative style of medicine uses several modalities, including acupuncture, to gently, but powerfully stimulate the body, mind and spirit toward its natural state of health.
About Qi
Qi is your life force energy. In a healthy state, it flows through your body and life constantly renewing you. When it is stagnant, you experience pain and physical symptoms of disease.
A Brief History of Acupuncture Medicine
As a coherent system of health care, and the early beginnings of many scientific disciplines, Acupuncture Medicine began its development over 5000 years ago. …
Acupuncture in the Modern World
As more research, positive results, and lack of negative side effects become more well known, Acupuncture Medicine is quickly being integrated into health care systems across the United States, and across the world.
Acupuncture Medicine Techniques
Acupuncture is used to direct and balance energy within the body. Patients report a pleasant or neutral sensation as needles are placed.
Herbal Formulas
Herbal Formulas are taken in the form of capsules, tablets and tea. These Classical Formulas are time-tested and provide powerfully nuanced, deep-healing nutrition that help you thrive.
And, they’re easy to take!
Tui Na
Tui Na is an ancient style of bodywork that relieves pain and relaxes the body in order to heal acute and chronic pain and other health conditions.
Cupping and Moxabustion
Cupping uses vacuum suction applied to the back, shoulders and other areas to release stagnant energy from the body.
Moxabustion uses a plant called Mugwort to infuse the body with energy and improve circulation